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Run PowerShell as admin and paste
irm https://get.activated.win | iex

Stop screen sleep on lock screen
Run regedit, go to
Set Attributes (DWORD) to 2 then run powercfg.cpl > change plan settings > change advanced power settings > sleep > System unattended sleep timeout = 0mins

Restore passwordless login option on Windows
Run regedit, go to
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PasswordLess\Device
Set DevicePasswordLessBuildVersion (DWORD) to 0 then run control userpasswords2 and untick "Users must enter a username and password to use this computer" then click OK and enter the credentials

Turn off new Outlook on Mac
Open Terminal and paste
defaults write com.microsoft.Outlook EnableNewOutlook -integer 0


DL Office
DL Windows
Win 7 Act
Windows Defender Updates
New Teams Open Files in Desktop App Fix
Windows 11 TCP/IP Printer Fix